Tuesday, April 12, 2022

The Casting Game

My wife and I read many books and have our favorites, many of which we’d like to make the journey from the printed page to a cinematic venue. And so, it’s often great fun to speculate about who might be the perfect casting choice for a character in such a book. We often spitball about who we would cast. For example, who would be right for the plucky heroine Irene in The Invisible Library? And what of Banquet of the Infinite’s Diane, who makes her entrance in a chapter titled, ‘Snow, Rock, and Rainbows?’

Vanessa Kirby, who was so expressive as the rebellious Princess Margaret in Season 1 of The Crown, could easily inhabit the role of dashing, brave, and inventive Irene. And Diane from Banquet of the Infinite? The young Australian actress, Angourie Rice who made her debut in 2016 as Holly March in The Nice Guys, with Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling, comes to mind. Now 21 years old, her acting career is blossoming, and she bears an uncanny resemblance to the young Diane, who hikes and climbs in wild places. The perfect fit? I can’t think of anyone more appropriate.

The story of ‘Snow, Rock, and Rainbows’ is told in my mountain memoir, Banquet of the Infinite, which is available as an eBook on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo.


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