Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Don't Wimp Out

“Don’t wimp out.” My wife, Diane encouraged me forward after I equivocated about an early start to hike solo to Poo Poo Point. So, I arrived at the trailhead at 6:00 am and just did it. Was it worth it? Absolutely! Happened to catch the dawn patrol as a guy readied his paraglider for launch from the lower LZ. Mt. Rainier visible and resplendent on the horizon.

     I took the Chirico Trail and encountered about 75 hikers, most on the way back down. It was humid with clear views of Mt. Rainier. I saw no one at the upper LZ. I found it good to revisit the hike as I did not hike it at all in 2020. The trail is in good shape, the erosion along the granite staircase has been repaired and there is no deadfall. Going early on a day where we expected record heat was a solid plan. This Wednesday at 6:00 am the parking lot was about half full and there were still spaces when I returned two hours later. Many hikers wore masks and observed good trailside etiquette. All were friendly.

     For me, this trail is mostly an early-season training hike and a barometer of my fitness. I do like it, but it’s mostly a workout. Someone on the Facebook 'Washington Hikers and Climbers' group asked if it was a good hike for kids. Well, that depends on the kid. On weekends you’ll see a lot of them but not all are happy. There are no raucous creek crossing, snowmelt waterfalls, mountain goat sightings, or stunning summit views. If the kid just loves hiking, they’ll be alright. And when the paragliders are out, the views just keep on coming. Then everybody’s happy.

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