Friday, May 14, 2021

Thanks for the Memories

I originally began this project twenty years ago after being inspired by William Goldman’s hilarious book, Adventures in the Screen Trade. I thought our mishaps in the mountains might make a decent comedic screenplay. And so, I began to write. For some reason, probably driven by growing doubts that anyone would find the stories as interesting as I did, I shelved the project. And only now, in December of 2020, during a great pandemic, hunkered down at home, has the spark returned, and I am furiously putting words to page.

As I write, I am, of course, reliving those times, reeling back memories from the deep recesses of my mind. They come in waves, in bits and pieces, all out of sequence and unpredictably, often choosing to visit during the dead of night and in the shower where my right brain reigns free. It has always been pleasant to greet my old memories again, even if rarely convenient, having to pop out of bed or the shower to jot them down before they disappear, perhaps irretrievably, into the mists of forgetfulness. I have learned to keep a notebook by my bed, waiting for my night visions, ready so I can then stagger forth and record them. The shower presents a different problem. My wife Diane jokingly suggested that I need Rain Notes, a product we used to sell in our Early Winters catalog. I have not yet tried that.

I tell this series of stories with much affection for all the characters that I have named. I treasure them all in the memories that I hold close. And I’m grateful to both the people and those incomparable wild places for the times that we spent together and the experiences that we shared during this formative period of my life.

As I look back, I recognize that this life is a sacred journey. One where you should prepare to embrace the unusual, creative, and talented people that you meet, as they will add complexity, nuance, understanding, and joy to your life. These spirited individuals were, and many still are, my companions, friends, partners, accomplices, and mentors. You know who you are. You are my tribe.

This is the forward from my recently released memoir, Banquet of the Infinite, which is now available as an eBook on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo.

Photo caption: Author, Muir Snowfield, DC Route, Mt. Rainier, 1975

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